Welcome to 2021 with Melanie Rudy!

Welcome to 2021! The feeling of a very exciting year is in the air. Completion. This is my focus for the year ahead. You may have heard of the option for a New Year’s Resolution to set a goal word. It has impact. Positivity. Energy.

I was given a friendly-challenge in 2020 to come up with a word to hold onto for the year. It took time to narrow it down to one, “reduce”. Focusing on this changed life. Substantially. My husband and I reduced things. He didn’t even know about my word, but the spin-off of my actions affected him in a wonderful way. The resulting reduction in our stress created more time for each-other, family and hobbies. Happiness. Listening. Laughter.

However unplanned, it seems fitting for “completion” to follow “reduce”.

Completion of projects. Completion of goals. Continuing to evolve this way. Quilting. Knitting. Gardening. Hobby-farming.

I opt this year to complete more than I start. Oh, how I love to start! What I do begin will be participatory in friendship. So many Instagramming artists put themselves out there in 2020 to help us through it. Thank you all for the companionship in quilting and making. Think pen-pals (yes 80s, people). This is what Instagram did for me this year. I have met gorgeous folks from all over our great world. Naming only a few, all creating in friendship - a good knitting pal from Japan, a wonderful quilter and gardener from Argentina, an amazing group of Improvers from Italy, and beautiful quilters from Canada coast to coast - have become my global friends. Instagram Travel. Engaging. Supporting. Dreaming.

Happy New Year and Thank You Warmly to our lovely quilting and making community.

Connection. 2021.

More about Melanie:



Free quilt patterns and tutorials of her designs at
